We sail in a sea more and more full of pollution, hunger, waterless, wars and mistrust, where, by each beat of our heart that goes on, there´s this big wave that cover us with its devastation, leading us to the bottom from which there will be no recover.
Our only salvation are the sea patrols that do everything possible to control these mistakes we make without any pity, just like a bad son who betrays his Mother, after all She did to provide life. They sail in dreams of a world to which we could still call Blue, dreams that give them strength to fight this harsh war. Their number is decreasing, though... And all we are left to do is sink in this dark sea...
But after all there still is HOPE. To put an end to the big wave that is getting bigger and bigger we all must get together in order to make Earth a peaceful and calm sea, where we may cross with our hands the water ondulation, full of hope and courage.
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